The Shelter
We recently made our own shelter where animals are given the life they deserve. They are given clean food and water. We have saved dogs from culling too, we have saved donkeys from abuse. People often dump sick or injured donkeys near dumpsters to die we keep an eye and save as many as possible. After treating them from UVAS We move them to our shelter or farm houses where they no longer have to lift weights or work, they live a healthy and happy retired life with us. We have even saved rabbits from slaughters and butcher man and rescued them.
We have a cattery at the shelter for sick, old and disabled cats where they can live a comfortable life. Our rescued dogs are extremely pampered and kept like pets, we have a specialized dog trainer who makes sure she spends time with all dogs individually and helps them heal and recover from the emotional abuse they have faced in their past and focuses on their behavioral issues so they are read for adoptions. All animals at the shelter are safe, no one can kill or hurt them once they enter our gate. We have frequent vet visits and soon our own shelter clinic will be activated too which is under process.